A Farewell Before a Hello…


A Farewell Before a Hello…

January 5, 2013
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Many of us enjoy starting the new year with fresh goals and resolutions. We are inspired by the idea of starting anew or building upon past achievements. But before dreaming up new goals and looking ahead to 2013, it may be fruitful and insightful to take a moment to acknowledge and reflect on our year in 2012.

So the following is a list of phrases which may help you do just that as we close 2012 and look forward to 2013…and maybe this exercise will help you create your resolutions for 2013!

(1) My biggest triumph in 2012 was…

(2) The smartest decision I made in 2012 was…3193886965_523396d287_z

(3) The one word that sums up and describes 2012 is…

(4) The greatest lesson I learned in 2012 is…

(5) The most loving service I performed in 2012 was…

(6) The biggest pieces of unfinished business is…

(7) I am most happy about…

(8) The 3 people who had the most impact on me in 2012 was…

(9) The biggest risk I took in 2012 was…

(10) The biggest surprise of 2012 was…

(11) The relationship that improved the most for 2012 was…

(12) I would like to be acknowledged for…

(13) The compliment I would like to give this year is…

Cheers to a new year!

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